I’m Dr. Deborah Welch and I coach individuals who are transforming leadership across all sectors and in all kinds of organizations. I am dedicated to helping you access deeper levels of wisdom, and find “third right answers” to complex challenges.
This site is currently “under re-construction” as new and exciting ways to serve our community of leaders and coaches are about to be launched. However if you would like information right away, please do contact me.
Please contact me to learn more about the coaching programs I offer.
Learning communities
I am the co-creator of the Virtual Servant Leadership Learning Community (VSLLC). Now in its 12th year.
For information on our January 2021 program go here. And Phoenix Servant Leadership Learning Community.
For more information go here.
Deborah Welch, PhD.
is the founder of Reflective Leadership Global, a leadership consultancy focused on developing collaborative, strengths-based and high performance workplace cultures. She facilitates peer-coaching networks that inspire and embolden greater leadership at all levels in organizations, communities and families. Deborah’s clients and collaborators include corporations, nonprofits, educational institutions, and public service agencies. Deborah is an award-winning researcher and educator at Capella University, received the Athena award for authenticity in her community leadership work, and has written numerous articles and books.
“The way to raise the capacity to serve others is through new regenerative forces”